How Often Should I Change the Coolant in My Car Engine?

Aug 6, 2022 | Engines

Change coolant

The frequency of changing the coolant in your car engine depends on the age, make and model of your vehicle. It can vary from once a year to several times a year depending on the mileage and brand of the car. Environmental regulators prefer longer intervals. Most coolants are designed to last for a long time, but if you notice low levels or slight discolouration in the radiator fluid, it is time for a change.

Low coolant level can cause engine overheating

A low coolant level can result in severe consequences for your car’s engine. In the worst-case scenario, it can cause the head gasket to blow, resulting in expensive repairs and even engine failure. Other signs that your car is suffering from a low coolant level are white smoke, a dangerously hot bonnet, and no control over the interior heating.

While the symptoms of low coolant levels vary depending on the amount of coolant in the car engine, they all point to the same issue: the engine is overheating and causing a warning light to illuminate. There may also be a lingering odour of coolant inside the car or near the vehicle. Regardless of what you experience, you should check the coolant level in your car engine immediately and make any necessary repairs.

Acidic coolant can cause rust on the inside of your engine

When you notice that your car is running hot, chances are that your coolant has run out. If you notice a sudden spike in heat, make sure to wait until the car is cold before checking the coolant level. If you notice it is low, top it up with fresh coolant. Otherwise, the coolant could have become contaminated. Circulating sludge and rust could also be causing your car to run hot. If you’re not sure, get your car checked by a mechanic.

If you mix different types of coolants in your engine, the problem can become much worse. The chemicals in the coolant can react with one another, causing more problems. The result is that solid particles will form that act like sandpaper in your engine, destroying gaskets and seals. Fortunately, there are some options available that use organic acid technology to help you protect your engine.

Performing a coolant flush is a good idea when you replace your coolant

While performing a coolant flush is not the best way to fix engine problems, it can help to identify them early. A small service visit can save you thousands of Rands in repair bills. Additionally, it can protect your vehicle during hot summer months. Performing a coolant flush is an important step when you replace your coolant in your car. While topping off your coolant is necessary to maintain the proper temperature in your engine, a coolant flush can prevent costly problems from occurring. By flushing your engine’s cooling system, you will remove harmful contaminants that can damage other parts of your car. Additionally, you’ll ensure your engine stays efficient.

Checking your coolant level

Regular checks of the coolant level in your car engine are essential for maintaining your vehicle’s health and safety. When you don’t have enough coolant, your engine may overheat and even damage itself. Top-ups of coolant will keep your car running smoothly and give you peace of mind while driving. Checking the coolant level is a simple, yet crucial, task, and can help prevent an array of problems and costly repairs.

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